
Life is strange 2 captain spirit download
Life is strange 2 captain spirit download

life is strange 2 captain spirit download life is strange 2 captain spirit download

I really want to play these, and decided a while ago that I wouldn’t watch any play throughs for them until after I’ve played them (because I originally saw lis1 being played by Jacksepticeye, and even though it was still a few years after I saw that that I actually played it for myself, and I had forgotten a lot of the details, I still remembered all the twists, so I kinda spoiled myself)

life is strange 2 captain spirit download

I know that there is also life is strange 2 and captain spirit, both I know very little about, only a couple small things like how captain spirit is about a boy who pretends he has superpowers, and it comes first but there’s a part in lis2 where we see him, or how in lis2 the brothers had to run away because the little brother has powers and I think accidentally hurt someone and their dad was also killed and I think they get a dog(that’s about all I know, I don’t even think I know their names, I think one of them is called Daniel, but idk) Ok, so I really love the first life is strange game, and I enjoyed before the storm.

Life is strange 2 captain spirit download